Did you know that decluttering has a calming effect? This includes your technology!

Devices such as your desktop, laptop, cell phone, and tablet tend to retain clutter in the form of unused files, emails, contacts, applications, and more.

Some business owners, like our Chief Strategist Matthew, prefer to take one day a year to sort through their inbox, files, photos, and complete a tech declutter in one fell swoop.

Others of us, like Chief Liaison Ashley, would rather break up the project to complete certain tasks on certain days.

Marathon or sprint, it’s important to figure out your style and keep your technology from being more than you want to deal with on a regular basis.

Our physical environments impact our mental, emotional, and spiritual space; alleviate the chaos in the devices that we depend on for our businesses and day-to-day interactions by making a plan to declutter.

Day 1: Review and remove emails that you don’t need to keep and unsubscribe to reduce future clutter.

Day 2: Delete unnecessary photos – duplicates, screenshots, etc.

Day 3: Free up the clutter by clearing out your voicemail and call history.

Day 4: Delete unused apps! Unneeded software on your devices provides a potential attack path.

Day 5: Clear out old texts to clear space on your phone.

Day 6: Go through old contacts (phone, email, even your social media if you like to live dangerously!) to see what can be cleaned up.

Day 7: Delete old notes on your phone and review Notepad or other documents that might be extraneous and better to delete

This is only a start! There are numerous benefits to keeping your tech experience decluttered, which also tie into factors like keeping your workspace clear, using a password manager, like LastPass, to streamline and secure your accounts, and recycling old technology through a secure vendor.

Sometimes the best way to take on a tech cleanup project is to allow timing to work to your advantage! If you’re considering a move to business-grade email, planning to start a new business, or looking forward to implementing an annual tech cleanup schedule, we hope you find this helpful – don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions in the comments below!

Schedule your own personal Marie Kondo of technology day or week before the end of the year! Place it on your calendar for a time you anticipate a slower pace for your industry.

Enjoy the peace of mind and simplicity that you’ll feel once you’re complete

Don't forget that we are offering free cybersecurity awareness trainings to 10 small businesses for the month of October to celebrate Cybersecurity Awareness Month!
