One of the first thoughts new business owners have when creating their company is to sign up for a separate email account, which is great for security, credibility, and branding for a new business.

Many generate or or and stop there.

How many colleagues do you email that are in this boat?

Do you pay close attention to their communications to ensure they always are who they say they are?

Watch out for that often corresponds with you and then suddenly emails you from or or – this is likely not your expected contact and is someone spoofing their account in an attempt to fool their contacts!

Hackers can easily create forged emails that are very similar or one letter away from any account on these free mail providers, like Gmail, Yahoo, and AOL.

It takes a considerable amount more time and effort to spoof by creating – but is still possible!

If you are looking to make a change in your email hosting to move to a more secure provider, reach out to us!

KnowIT offers competitive rates for Microsoft 365 licensing as a Microsoft Partner.

Find out more about transitioning to Outlook by calling us today!