Why would my small business need a security audit? How would it benefit me?

Knowing your current risk level when it comes to cybersecurity can be tricky. Are you feeling unsure about where the gaps in security and compliance are currently located in your IT infrastructure? 

Peace of mind is one of the top benefits: recognizing the vulnerabilities and creating a plan to close any potential openings sets your business up for long-term success. Don't stay awake at night worrying about an email from Microsoft asking to audit your licenses for compliance - let us right these wrongs before the corporations come knocking on your door. 

Reputational value is another benefit: when a security breach hits and must be disclosed to those impacted and potentially the public, there is a great deal at stake beyond the initial breach. If you had the choice between working with an organization that conducts annual security audits or someone that has fallen victim to a cyberattack, which would you select?

Building awareness is a trememdous added value: interviews will be conducted with your team during a security assessment and there is no getting around the fact that staff will have cybersecurity on the brain.

Path to remediation: the ultimate goal, the holy grail of security audits, is pinpointing the paths of least resistance and the most vulnerable openings to secure your network at least tenfold during the audit process. Low-hanging fruit, like annual security trainings and implementing multi-factor authentication, are easily identified and achieved through the audit and remediation process.