At KnowIT, preventing risk is a top priority, especially when it comes to protecting your passwords.

One of the best places to start is by implementing best practices and policies around password management.

  • 58% of data breach victims in 2017 were categorized as small business
  • It is estimated that 3% of people use the password 123456.
  • About 1 in 5 people consistently use weak or shared passwords.
  • 6 out of 100 users use the same password for all online logins, according to data from 2017
  • 81% of breaches are facilitated with weak/stolen passwords. This is the #1 tactic used by hackers.


  • What is the likelihood your work and personal accounts are vulnerable?
  • Do you feel secure in your password management policies and practices?
  • Are your remote workers connecting with secure passwords?
  • Does your team have multi-factor authentication (MFA) enabled where possible?
  • How many default passwords remain active within your network?
  • How many accounts need to be disabled that a former employee might have the credentials to access?

If you have managed IT and a trusted team of consultants, then these can be easy questions to answer.

Don’t let these questions create headaches for you - let’s make changes together!

A quick and easy way to get started is by implementing policies around password construction guidelines and password protection.

You can have access to password policy templates, adapted from SANS to meet CIS/NIST requirements, as a free tool for small businesses.

This allows you to enhance your ability to protect your data right away.

Sign up for our email list to receive a copy to begin revamping your small businesses' cybersecurity policies today!