Why Most Companies Waste Time, Money, and Energy On IT And What To Do About It


Cyber attacks continue to rise, with small businesses no longer considered a lesser target and responding accordingly. 55% of businesses revealed they plan to increase their IT budget in 2021. This is a smart move! One we hope to see continue, as many dedicate under 5% of their budget to tax-deductible IT expenses.

Here's the problem you face: businesses rely on technology to store most of your documentation - emails, presentations, client lists, bookmarks - and it is all vulnerable to data loss through corruption, misuse, or attack. Many don't have in-house IT, or are confused about what security services they receive from their current provider. Some are even wasting money on systems or licenses that people are no longer using!

Which means that, if you get hacked or if a machine crashes and can't be recovered, you are risking data loss.

It also means that, if you're confused about your IT expenses or feel unsure how vulnerable you are against security threats, there could be a leaky hole in your budget (and security!) that needs to be patched.

If there isn't a trusted IT professional involved in your business, where do you turn when you have a true technology emergency?

Luckily for you, there's now a solution. Let me introduce you to a technology partnership that takes the work off your plate to help you save time, money, and energy previously spent on IT.  

We can help you understand your current IT security protections and put together a new solution that lets you feel comfortable moving forward.

Why do most companies waste time, money, and energy on their IT? 

Many believe that a "do-it-yourself" mentality is enough, especially if years of business have gone by without asking for help or investing in their equipment or a consultation.

Others trust that their current provider is handling everything that is needed, even if they don't fully understand what they're receiving or how systems are protected.


Know IT Consulting has been helping businesses have better technology experiences since 2013.

Professionally, Matthew Estabrook has supported business-grade technology for 16 years, with roots going all the way back to learning the ins-and-outs of computers in growing up.

Ashley Estabrook, LMSW has been connecting people with the right resources for 13 years and utilizes her end-user experience to teach others to use available tools to improve workplace satisfaction and efficiency.

KnowIT will help you move with technology, instead of against it.


What makes our service unique from other vendors?

  • Holistic technology expertise makes KnowIT your "IT know-it-all" resource.
  • Our priority is that you feel secure about your data.
  • We pass on all cost-savings to our clients, keeping prices affordable.
  • We pride ourselves on helping you have better technology experiences and keeping our services accessible to the small business market.


Our clients have a lot to say about what we offer!

"We could not ask for a better IT company to work with! Thank you for everything!"

"The fast response time from KnowIT is greatly appreciated."

"Being a new customer coming from a now larger IT company after 16 years, we are very happy with the response time and attention given us. Thank you!"



When you first speak with KnowIT for a consultation, we are about to quickly provide you with the engagement that is the best fit to get you started.

We dedicate a 2-hour window of time for each Support Credit, setting out many goals.

Each Support Credit includes an hour in planning and an hour of follow-up.

In a quick phone call, we can estimate a solution ranging from $360-$1800 to get you on the right path to establishing a baseline of technology health.


Depending on your needs, packages can include:

  • Outsourced CIO for high-level technology guidance on data security.
  • Managed hosting to keep your websites secure and backed up: costs are $45 per month, per site.
  • Data backup strategy implementation, including security policies and training. 
  • Review and revision of current IT expenditures, removing unneeded costs.
  • Server migration, including decommissioning and transitioning to the cloud, shared data center space, or an on-premise server configured by KnowIT. 
  • Configuration of current systems to specification and quality assurance testing.
  • Acquisition, delivery, and setup of new equipment replacing at-risk hardware.


On-going services can include:

  • Unlimited support and technology guidance per user, site, or server, or service.
  • Same day response service level agreement.
  • Device monitoring with proactive issue resolution.
  • Managed anti-virus, backups, firewalls, software installations, and updates.
  • Firewall hardware provided at no-cost, with monthly subscription service, including log retention: licensing cost ranges between $30-$105/month for many small businesses under 30 seats.
  • Backup and data retention, license cost: $50/month, flat-rate.
  • Disaster recovery and incident response policy implementation and prevention measures.


Monthly IT costs for the average small business, after initial remediation efforts by KnowIT, range between $200-$2000 for most under 30 seats.


Our team is available for same day consultation on mission critical issues.

Not only do we guarantee our work unconditionally for 30 days, we also provide follow-up support during that period, baked into the cost of every KnowIT engagement. This is one of the many ways we add value to you.

When you contact KnowIT about a challenge, you're reaching real people that care about helping you have better technology experiences. 

In one call, you can start the process to have a trusted partnership that will save you time, money, and a ton of effort over the course of our work together.

Call us today at 888-603-8280 to speak with Matthew or Ashley!


P.S. Most businesses can completely transform how they use technology moving forward with an $1800 initial project and less than $500/month!