If you haven't been following along on our Twitter, then you have been missing out on our 26 Days of Gratitude!

Scroll down to catch up on our tweets and let us know in the comments how you've been showing appreciation and gratitude this month.

Day 1 of #GratitudeMonth: Start a gratitude jar! See how full you can make it by Thanksgiving. It doesn't have to be as fancy as this, of course! Take an empty mason jar or used candle jar, some post-it notes or slips of paper, and create your own setup!

Day 2 of #GratitudeMonth: Call a family member, tell them how thankful you are for them today. They will appreciate it in the Election Day madness. Friends that feel like family absolutely count!

Day 3 of #GratitudeMonth: Do someone a small free favor. As simple as picking a few flowers to leave on your neighbor's doorstep or sweeping the leaves from their path, do something that benefits someone else today.

Day 4 of #GratitudeMonth: Write a thank you card to a Military Veteran. Consider sending it to someone special in your life or community. If you'd like, @OpGratitude will send your letters to Military and First Responder Heroes here.

Day 5 of #GratitudeMonth: Find the good in a bad situation. Locating the silver lining and naming it can make all of the difference in a person's outlook.

Day 6 of #GratitudeMonth: Make a dinner and take it to someone (practicing social distancing, of course!). The gesture will not only make someone's day a little easier, but also a little brighter.

Day 7 of #GratitudeMonth: Notice all the things throughout the day to be grateful for. Make a running list or add to your gratitude jar!

Day 8 of #GratitudeMonth: Smile more often. Did you know that smiling like you just won $25k will improve your mood? Try it and let us know how it works!

Day 9 of #GratitudeMonth: Write a letter to a friend telling them how you appreciate them. Send it via USPS and support postal workers while spreading gratitude!

Day 10 of #GratitudeMonth: Leave an extra generous tip! Whether it’s takeout or delivery, go out of your way to make someone's day memorable by tipping more than normal.

Day 11 of #GratitudeMonth: Take a walk and appreciate the scenery. Did you know that grounding in nature has a calming response? Holistic doctors recommend this to alleviate stress and anxiety. Try it yourself today and take a socially distanced walk.

Day 12 of #GratitudeMonth: Write an anonymous thank you to a boss, teacher, leader, etc. Find someone that has inspired you in 2020 and let them know, without taking any credit or asking for anything in return, how important they have been to you this year.

Day 13 of #GratitudeMonth: Find something you like about someone and compliment them. Genuine compliments are the best! There is something special about sincerely affirming one another.

Day 14 of #GratitudeMonth: Apologize to someone if you need to. Sometimes, there is a weight that carries over us when a mistake goes unforgiven. In asking for forgiveness, even if it is not provided, we start the process of forgiving ourselves.

Day 15 of #GratitudeMonth: Write a thank you card to a First Responder. Consider sending it to a loved one or to your local station. If you'd like, @OpGratitude will send your letters to First Responder Heroes here.

Day 16 of #GratitudeMonth: Post what you are thankful for on social media. Make a statement and let your circle know that gratitude is important to you all month long, not only on Thanksgiving. 

Day 17 of #GratitudeMonth: Hug someone (that you know well and is safe for you!). Practicing social distancing can make us pretty touch-starved, so make sure you get a good 30-60 second hug in today!

Day 18 of #GratitudeMonth: Write a thank you note to a paramedic or crisis response worker. Did you know most counties have a mental health response team, trained to respond safely to your community? Look up your local provider and send them a letter today!

Day 19 of #GratitudeMonth: Surprise a neighbor with a small act of kindness. Some flowers or baked goods, along with a short and sweet note, can make someone’s day. Consider picking a neighbor that you know lives alone or has suffered a loss in the past year.

Day 20 of #GratitudeMonth: Put up quotes around your home that remind you to be grateful. Places that you frequent, such as your desk, the refrigerator, and your bathroom mirror, are great spots for these reminders.

Day 21 of #GratitudeMonth: Text a message of gratitude to the last person who texted you. It will make their day to receive an unexpected dose of appreciation!

Day 22 of #GratitudeMonth: Do an extra task around your house or for a neighbor. If there’s something you notice is always another's responsibility, mark it off the general to-do list today!

Day 23 of #GratitudeMonth: Provide spontaneous acts of service, such as letting someone go ahead of you in line.

Day 24 of #GratitudeMonth: Share your bounty with someone in need. Drop off canned food @SvdP at 2120 S. 3rd Drive Phoenix, 85003 or look up your local mutual aid drop-off location today. If you’re in the metro Phoenix area, check out https://mutualaidphx.com to donate this holiday season and beyond.

Day 25 of #GratitudeMonth: Call, text, or send a letter to those you know who lost a loved one this year and let them know that you’re thinking of them.

Day 26 of #GratitudeMonth: Let those you love know how much they fill your heart with joy this Thanksgiving! Study the roots and remember, while this is a colonizing holiday that must be dismantled, it is still important to practice gratitude daily.