How often have you hit the “ignore” or “remind me later” button when your device asks you to update to the latest version?

Is it because you’re being prompted during your workday, when you would otherwise be using that device?

As someone that has been on the end user side longer than I’ve been on the technical side, I know that answer is usually “yes!”

We all know that computer updates in particular are important, by why are they important?

Operating systems, such as Microsoft, put out regular updates to not only make fancy-schmancy changes that elicit news articles – the primary reason is to close vulnerabilities.

Much like doctors and lawyers and technology consultants, software developers are only human. There are constant changes happening where hackers are working to get one step ahead and the developers are finding out what needs to be blocked in response.

Our job is to keep you on the cutting edge, but not the bleeding edge, of technology. This includes routine patch management, or as we say to those not in IT, “computer updates.”