We’ve talked about our cybersecurity awareness services through KnowBe4 and other great services we can provide to our clients through our partnerships at no-cost, like WatchGuard’s Dark Web Scan.

Now, we are able to offer another free tool through KnowBe4 for those interested in testing the strength of their computer’s security.

If you’ve been wondering whether or not your network is built to resist cyber attacks, let’s find out!

Many small businesses are starting to take cybersecurity more seriously, including ensuring their team takes an annual security awareness training.

What happens if your employees click on a phishing link anyway and fall for a social engineering attack?

Will your network effectively block the ransomware, or will you be vulnerable to a data breach that could cost you in terms of both finances and reputation?

Consider working with KnowIT to improve the security of your business if this is something that you would like to prioritize moving forward.

KnowBe4’s Ransom Simulator, or “RanSim” as they are calling it, will let you know quickly how effective your existing network protection would be in the event of an attack.

It will simulate 20 different ransomware infection scenarios, as well as 1 cryptomining infection scenario, to find out if your workstation would be vulnerable to a breach.

Don’t let someone start mining cryptocurrency with your work computer!

Find out today if that is possible for you or if you’re protected enough to stop it in its tracks.

RanSim is a safe and quick installation from a trusted source in security.

It provides results in only a few minutes and will let you know if you’re one of the more secure small businesses out there or if you have some remediation to do.

If the results are a little scary to you, or if you’d prefer to work with a technology consultant before running RanSim, call KnowIT at 888-603-8280 to start the process.