If we were to ask you for a list of your current technology resources, would you be able to quickly pull up a document that you know has been updated in the past six months, or are you more likely to start naming them off the top of your head and hope you’re not missing anything as you write them down?

Most people are in the second boat! Companies that don’t employ an IT staff may have an asset list of phones or computers deployed to their team, but one- or two-person shops might overlook this when getting started and may never circle back on it down the road. Depending on your industry’s level of compliance and regulation, it’s a good idea to take it seriously moving forward.

Creating an asset list is one of the first steps in every cybersecurity audit completed by KnowIT.

We’ll create a document that covers your current inventory: owned hardware in use by staff, such as laptops and desktops, as well as servers, firewalls, switches, printers, and miscellaneous network equipment.

The inventory will cover a ton of information about each device, like where it is located, when it was acquired (approximations are okay and can also be discovered by looking up the device), the manufacturer, model number, serial number, warranty information, timeframe for recommended replacement, and more.

As you might guess, this finished document helps us work together to put together a hardware replacement lifecycle with you, to ensure that the hardware your team conducts business on is reliable and never past end-of-life.

Whether you are a company that is looking to grow your team in 2021 and beyond or you’re looking to tighten down the hatches and makes sure you’re spending your technology dollars as efficiently as possible, we believe this is a great place to start if you want to take your IT and cybersecurity more seriously!

Contact KnowIT at 888-603-8280 to learn more!